Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February: Drinking

Last Tuesday was the first night of the drinking contest and I think we all got a bit spliffy.
Evan's true love is bracket making so he created a really great worksheet to be filled out. The seeding was determined by tossing three balls into cups designated with point values. Capital Reporting team came out on top! I was seeded first and Cate was seeded second so we each received a bye for the first round. Carly and Matt finished their game very quickly while Christina and Rubes battled until the end.

As the games progressed so did the drama. Rumblings of ungentlemanly-ness started. Remember, it is ungentlemanly to discuss issues with other participants and not discuss them with the accused directly. The overlord of the night, Gaffers, insisted that he would not issue any monacle cards based on heresy. He also offered some important words of advice:

We all gathered to watch the final round: Matt vs Rubes. I planned to tape the game for the website, but unfortunately the recording was cut short. An ungentlemanly act was captured on tape and submitted to Rob for his review:
A monacle card was issued to Rubes, he took the event as a gentleman and did not dispute the decision. It is unfortunate when these things happen but that’s why the cards exist. After the monacle card drama, Matt won the game. Here’s what the final Bracket looked like (please note the honey and beer stains).

Next, we moved on to quarters. We previously discovered that the plastic tables used for pong were no good for quarters. Evan and I tried practicing on the floor but that didn't work either. We decided to pair up at a bar ledge and once the quarter made the glass each player needed to run to the corner of the bar. It wasn't perfect but we made it work. Evan patiently and persistently tried to get the attention of the group to
explain the rules. It was really painful. One dude told me I was shouting. Once Evan finally got the rules out, games play began. Quarters was fairly uneventful except for when this happened:

Carmela won quarters in a face-off against Matt. He admitted that he was being ungentlemanly and trying to taunt her when she bounced the final quarter in. Lessons were learned.

Now that the business was over, we let loose and started having a
bit of fun. We played a few quick flip cup games with choreographed dances for the winners. Somewhere along the line the bartender poured us a final pitcher and left. We took that opportunity to visit the kitchen for croutons, Ice Cream and Pie.

We are all very exited for the next GOTY night. We decided to wear short shorts so Evan wouldn't have to take off his shoes again

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